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2012 Changes, Temporary Service Credits, & Updates

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We received a question from a federal employee concerning credit for temporary service [2]. Linda was hired as a temporary employee in 1985 and two years later she was hired full time. Last April she bought back her two years of temporary service and her SCD has not changed on her Employee Express Benefits Statement. She did receive a confirmation from OPM after submitting the SF-2803 form [3] and she wanted to verify when the 2 years of temporary service will be included in her SCD date.

When you make a deposit [4] for temporary service it is made directly to OPM and OPM notifies you when the deposit is complete. This bypasses the HR office. Once you supply the HR office with documentation from OPM that the deposit is complete, your HR office should update your Retirement SCD… if the deposit affected your retirement eligibility. Make sure you keep a copy of the OPM letter to submit with your retirement application when you retire.

Depending on your service history/retirement system, the service may have already been credited toward your service history.  If the service was creditable towards eligibility [2] without the deposit, then the deposit only increases the amount of the annuity (not your years of eligible service). This shouldn’t alter your Leave SCD that appears on your SF-50.

Check on the Employee Express site.  Many benefit statements are only updated once a year.  Your HR office can tell you if your Retirement SCD has been updated to include the service

2012 Changes & Updates

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The information provided may not cover all aspect of unique or special circumstances, federal regulations, and financial information is subject to change. To ensure the accuracy of this information, contact your benefits coordinator and ask them to review your official personnel file and circumstances concerning this issue. Retirees can contact the OPM retirement center. Our article is not intended nor should it be considered investment advice. Our articles and replies are time sensitive. Over time, various dynamic economic factors relied upon as a basis for this article may change.

Last 5 posts by Dennis Damp