Posted on Friday, 10th January 2025 by Dennis Damp

Christmas came early for those subject to the WEP and GPO provisions but not for those who opted out of GEHA’s MPDP plan. Many, including my wife and me, opted out of Silver Script’s Part D (EGWP) Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plan offered by GEHA in late November, and we received a confirmation letter from them dated 11/28/2024.
EGWPs, or Employer Group Waiver Plans, are Medicare Advantage plans offered by employers or unions to retirees. Private insurance companies manage these plans and are often exempt from specific rules that apply to individual Medicare Advantage. This applies to the MPDP option.
We stayed with GEHA’s standard plan, and after opting out of their MPDP plan, we assumed all was well and that our prescription drug coverage would continue to be covered by GEHA, not Medicare Part D.
Who’s on First and What’s on Second
This subtitle is from Abbott and Lou Costello’s hilarious comedy routine. The head doesn’t know what the foot is doing, and one group passes the blame to the other. We discovered mid-December that we were enrolled in Part D, and the opt-out process failed! The situation has been back-and-forth for over a month without resolution.
We received three sets of GEHA medical and dental cards and a set of Silver Script Medicare Rx cards at various times over the past six weeks. The most recent GEHA set arrived yesterday.
One contradicted the other, and Silver Script, when first contacted, said that GEHA inadvertently enrolled all members in the Silver Script plan. I don’t know if this is true; I only know that members have suffered the consequences of their incompetence, whoever it may be.
I’ve talked with Social Security, Medicare, Silver Script, and GEHA and tried to contact OPM unsuccessfully. Each time I’ve called OPM over the past few weeks, their recording states, “We are experiencing very high call volume. Please call back later.”
Battling With the Giants
I visited the Medicare site after Silver Script advised us the second time that we were not enrolled in their program. Our Medicare site page showed that we were enrolled in Parts A, B, and D with GEHA, and the UMR insurance company identified as secondary providers. No one, including Medicare or GEHA, could tell me why UMR was listed as a secondary provider or what services they covered; we never signed up with UMR.
This was especially upsetting, considering GEHA implemented the MDPD option without asking members if they wanted to enroll in a Medicare Part D prescription drug program at an additional cost for many. Instead, they asked members to opt out, and the opt out process isn’t functioning properly.
After contacting GEHA several times about these issues, I couldn’t get anyone to understand the gravity of the situation or take actions to correct it.
Silver Script, after contacting them for the third time, assigned another task number to research the issue again. A week later, Medicare Part D was removed from our online Medicare accounts. However, when we went to our online Medicare payment details, they showed us paying a Part D IRMAA through December 2025.
Medicare customer service suggested we contact Social Security immediately because IRMAAs were scheduled to be deducted from our checks for the entire year.
The Last Straw
My wife and I received Retirement and Disability Insurance letters from Social Security on January 6th advising us that they were deducting past-due Part D prescription drug coverage income-related monthly adjustment amounts from our Social Security checks and a penalty for past-due Part D premiums! Our Social Security checks are being reduced by a Part D IRMAA plus additional penalties for late Part D payments!
I immediately called Social Security as Medicare suggested and was on hold for over an hour until the line died. The next morning, I called again and waited on hold for over two hours.
After discussing the issue with the specialist, she stated she could do nothing. Our only option was to file an appeal for each of us, including documentation to support that we had not enrolled in a Part D Plan and why we should not have to pay a late penalty.
I spent several hours writing the appeal and had to convert the opt-out letters we received confirming that we opted out of the Silver Script EGWP plan to a PDF file. Later that afternoon, I submitted the appeal online with attachments. You can also submit it via regular mail with copies of your documentation.
Several newsletter subscribers have experienced similar problems and are still unsure if it is resolved. According to one of Social Security’s support specialists, a typical appeal can take several months to over a year to work its way through their system.
My wife and I will pay monthly Part D premiums and an additional penalty for some time even though we aren’t enrolled in Part D. They assured me these payments would be refunded if the appeal was settled in our favor.
Silver Script confirmed again that we were not in their system and to use the GEHA cards we received. The card with CVS Caremark listed at the lower right corner of the card, and UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus Network is directly below the CVS designation.
I called GEHA’s CVS Caremark prescription drug services today and talked with Rhonda. I said, “Help me, Ronda.” Her name reminded me of that song from the 1960s,” and she did. She was helpful, pleasant, and confirmed that I was in their system.
I’ve always commended GEHA for its excellent service, customer support, and reasonable rates. Since signing up for Medicare ten years ago, my wife and I haven’t paid any out-of-pocket costs except for prescription drugs.
GEHA’s and Silver Script’s lack of attention to detail was disappointing when they rolled out this new MPDP program. The administrator for this rollout didn’t realize the disruption it could cause if mishandled or that members who opted out are now paying IRMAAs. Their Social Security checks are less than last year! This could go on for many months.
I intend to stay with GEHA and hope this is simply a one-off, not indicative of the company’s current state of affairs. They have served my wife and me well over the years.
Read the update to this article, the issue that I experienced was corrected in early February.
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Disclaimer: The information provided may not cover all aspect of unique or special circumstances, federal regulations, medical procedures, investment, and benefit information are subject to change. To ensure the accuracy of this information, contact relevant parties for assistance including OPM’s retirement center.
Over time, various dynamic economic factors relied upon as a basis for this article may change. The information contained herein should not be considered investment advice and may not be suitable for your situation. This service is not affiliated with OPM or any federal entity. You should consult with a financial, medical or human resource professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher or author shall be liable for any loss or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

Last 5 posts by Dennis Damp
- Common Sense Prevails – Agency Heads Take Control - March 7th, 2025
- (NEW) OPM Requesting Weekly Email Accomplishments! - March 1st, 2025
- Dissecting DOGE – Purpose & Process Explained - February 28th, 2025
- Many CSRS Retiree's Social Security Checks Increasing Soon - February 26th, 2025
- OPM Requests All Employees Report Accomplishments ASAP! - February 23rd, 2025
- Social Security Income Tax Elimination Update - February 13th, 2025
- Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (MPDP) Opt-Out Update - February 7th, 2025
- Tax Forms and Annuity Statement Availability - January 31st, 2025
- OPM Orders Return to in-person work - Accepting Deferred Resignations - January 29th, 2025
- Preparing for the New Year and 2025 Updates - January 24th, 2025
- A Potential Federal Retirement Tsunami – The DOGE Impact - January 3rd, 2025
- Christmas Comes Early This Year – WEP & GPO Repealed - December 21st, 2024
Tags: EGWP, GEHA, Medicare, MPDP, Part D IRMAAs, Social Security

January 11th, 2025 at 8:32 pm
Wow, Dennis, we are going through the exact same thing. Down to 3 sets of GEHA cards and Silverscript cards.
A very nice lady I talked to at Silverscript said she did an online form for me stating I have not had a lapse in a drug plan, but I don’t feel trusting. I sent a certified return signature express priority letter to Medicare/Silverscript showing I have had a drug plan since I retired in 2018. Also I faxed letters to Silverscript opting out *for the 3rd time*.
GEHA was very reassuring that we are in the GEHA medical plan with the drug plan and we are not enrolled in Silverscript. But the says we are indeed. also lists the
I did have a new prescription filled at Costco with my new GEHA card without any trouble and that transaction is reflected on the GEHA site under the pharmacy tab. So, it seems we have our prior GEHA plan in place.
Yesterday, I was tallying up how much we spent at the dentist the last year and how much our GEHA Dental insurance paid. Well, I can’t see my husband’s information. It seems he has to sign into and give me permission to see his information. I am not signing up into anything else until this is straightened out. This is the first year we don’t have the IRMMA payment for Medicare, so that is one less problem, I can’t imagine getting a refund from Social Security.
This is infuriating. GEHA says we do not have Silverscript and do have our old plan in place and Siverscript is positive about the opposite.
My Dr’s office was really puzzled about all new numbers for our GEHA account and I wonder if their new website and new everything is contributing to this. Three sets of cards is very disorganized. We have not had problems with GEHA in the past, I was with them before I retired.
I am going to email our US senator and get them informed now. I worked as a nurse at the VA for 37 years and often encouraged vets to contact their congressmen/persons/people for assistance with their snafus, I even handed out their names and contact information. Today I thought I should take my own advice.
Good luck to us all and thank you so much for your guidance.
January 12th, 2025 at 7:52 am
I received many emails from others who are experiencing the same issue, including Blue Cross Blue Shield members; it isn’t limited to GEHA. I’ll know exactly how bad this is when we receive our February SS checks. The first month, the reduced payments, including penalties, are supposed to be deducted from our Social Security checks. I, too, suggest everyone experiencing this issue should contact their congressman, which is a very good idea since this is apparently a systemic problem that has been going on since the MPDPs were first offered by FEHB providers. I hope these problems are resolved timely for everyone, but I feel this could drag on for months.
January 12th, 2025 at 1:52 pm
I’m being billed out of pocket for the part D plan we do not have, plus I received a separate bill for the part B premium and IRMAA because my WEP-reduced SS is not enough to cover my Medicare costs. Being expected to pay in advance and wait for an eventual refund seems absurd, especially since the WEP/GPO repeal would — if they ever get around to implementing it— mean that these excess charges would be covered by my social security so i will no longer be receiving a bill in the future. How can they refund overpayments if we’re not being billed? Reduce deductions from soc sec?
This part D fiasco is going to cost us a lot! How OPM allowed this inescapable auto-enrollment is beyond comprehension. I’d happily write my Senator, but unfortunately I don’t have one since I live in DC. Our congressional rep has no vote in Congress, either. The fact that GEHA claimed we can opt in or out of the “free” Rx plan “at any time” is laughable — they clearly did not take the IRMAA situation into account. We shouldn’t have to wait a year for this to be resolved through social security appeals. And who knows if GEHA etc will auto enroll us again next open season and start the whole miserable cycle anew?
January 12th, 2025 at 3:08 pm
This has been a nightmare for me. I am the spouse of a Retiree. We also elected to stay on GEHA Standard option. I went on Medicare in 2013 because of a Disability. They informed me not to take Medicare Part D because my Prescription coverage would far exceed on GEHA. It has, I have a Chronic Health condition that requires Specialty Medications.
Not only did I not enroll in Medicare Part D Silverscripts, they enrolled me. I found out the 11th of January! I as well got multiple cards. My question is how can an organization enroll you in a health program you didn’t want or ask for. Especially one that is going to hurt you financially? I feel like this is poorly done and a lawsuit waiting in the wings. I’m reaching out to my State Representative. My husband the Retiree looked it up and it was written by Insurance Companies. We shouldn’t take this without pushing back. I could have penalties back to 2013 . My Medicare statement shows unavailable! I now have $400-$500 a month in RX’s copays!
We need to gather a coalition against this and possible Class Action.
No one had a choice in anything. We didn’t have a freedom of any choice.
January 12th, 2025 at 3:09 pm
Sorry to hear you are having this problem along with so many others. It is difficult to understand why our FEHB providers didn’t understand just how disruptive and frustrating it has been for all of us who opted out and are now paying Part D Premiums for something we don’t have. I’m contacting my Congressman this week. I intend to report any progress in upcomning newsletters and blog postings. You mentioned in a follow up post that many have reported this same situation on Reddit. I don’t use Reddit, if you have the ability to post on Reddit, include a link to my article which is also posted on our blog, here is the link:
January 12th, 2025 at 3:18 pm
I’ve received many email messages from those experiencing the same problem and it has been going on with multiple carriers including Blue Cross Blue Shield, not just GEHA. The time, frustration, and additional Part D costs that we didn’t sign up for is unacceptable and those responsible should be fired and our costs recouped.
January 12th, 2025 at 7:07 pm
Thank you, please keep us updated on this thread, I don’t use Reddit. It is much appreciated.
January 12th, 2025 at 9:26 pm
Yes, il save the details, but my ongoing experience mostly mirrors the prior comments. This goes above and beyond an isloated occurrence. This is rank incompetence, intentional, harrassment or fradulent actions on the part of OPM, GEHA, and or Silver Script. Hello class action attorneys. File a complaint with your congressional rep, OPM INSPECTOR GENERAL, and GEHA. Ive been with GEHA for 25 years. Retired now. But next open season I fire GEHA for this nightmare. Yes this trail leads to BIDENS OPM “encoraging FEHBP to get involved in medicare D. OPM should have made FEHBP plans have members sign up only IF they wanted it. Class action attorneys will have a field day with this mess. Silver Script aka Caremark is a sick joke.
January 13th, 2025 at 10:17 am
File a complaint with the OPM IG when the new administration in washington takes over. The basis of the complaint is FRAUD AND ABUSE. This mess is obviously affecting thousands of retirees that use FEHBP for their health insurance.
January 13th, 2025 at 1:16 pm
I told my husband this morning, we’ll change to Blue Cross if this is not resolved by the end of the year and now I hear Blue Cross is also involved. And why is CVS taking over Medicare Part D? Is this privatizing government healthcare? I remain so confused. And I received an email from What is this? Anyway, I feel certain with this many people involved, something has to give.
January 13th, 2025 at 1:36 pm
All good points, I received another mailing from Silver Script today with their Plan Information and the third set of GEHA cards the day before I published this article. I checked my Medicare site again this morning and we are scheduled for Medicare Part D premiums for all of 2025. Hopefully, our appeals will be approved and clear up this madness.
January 13th, 2025 at 1:41 pm
I agree and be cautious opening emails like this from a .com site, it could be and more than likely is spam.
January 14th, 2025 at 10:10 am
NOTE TO MODERATOR- I submitted this post earlier but it had a typo error, please use this one.
Like many, I have also opted out of SilverScript (Medicare Part-D) drug coverage only to later learn that I am still enrolled.
To add more headache, yesterday I received a letter from DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVIES, which is a department of Medicare and Medicaid services. I am now instructed to submit, by January 16th, proof that I had credible drug coverage prior to enrolling into Aetna Medicare Rx (EGWP) to avoid paying a monthly penalty.
When will this nightmare end???
January 14th, 2025 at 1:50 pm
I too received this same letter December 17th. I called SilverScript and they said it was sent in error, so I didn’t submit the form. I went back and reviewed the letters my wife and I both received and now question whether or not to submit the form since nothing is getting resolved, and Social Security is already deducting a delinquent payment penalty and IRMAA! Especially when SilverScript didn’t send it, as you stated the Department of Health and Human Services sent the letter. The right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing. I’m going to call GEHA’s public relations department and request an interview from the powers to be. Not sure if they will comply with my request. More to come.
January 15th, 2025 at 2:56 pm
I am a non-postal Federal retiree and have been battling the same issue with GEHA since December 3. FORUNATELY, after returning home from travel my wife rescued the first SilverScript packet from the junk mail pile. I stumbled on the Reddit string SilverScript vs ??? and was stunned by how many people had the same experience. The opt-out confirmation letter never came and the second call revealed remarkable amnesia on their part that they had no record of our opt-out. We did it again. Still no letter yet.
Yup – Social Security IRMAA penalty coming even though Medicare says we have NO active plan D. after hours and hours on the phone across all entities, as others have said all I have to show for it is a fully functional GEHA and CVS Caremark plan and assurance that Medicare escalated my issue to a senior specialist to figure out why they are charging me an IRMAA for a plan I don’t have.
This an egregious fail on the part of GEHA.
January 16th, 2025 at 3:47 pm
Thanks to you and to all the commenters. My wife is a federal retiree and we are GEHA standard members. Both of us have been on the phone for hours since Thanksgiving with Medicare, GEHA and SilverScript. GEHA says that SilverScript dropped the ball and that no one will be automatically enrolled next year who had opted out for this year.
One issue I did point out to one of GEHA’s Medicare Performance Part D Specialists — who had reached out to me in response to a letter I emailed to GEHA’s general counsel — pertains to the need to appeal to Social Security’s letter pertaining to IRMAA deductions. These are the ones attributable to the Part D coverage that we opted out of and/or disenrolled in. The SS letter, says that if the SSS recipient disagrees with Social Security’s decision, then that recipient must file an appeal within 60 days after receipt of the letter or five days after its date, which ever is later. This GEHA representative advised that the appeal need not be filed with Social Security because it does not pertain to the issue of whether you opted into Part D. According to him, this letter deals only with objections to their calculations of your IRMAA and has nothing to do with a GEHA’s subscriber’s participation in a Medicare Part D Plan. To my reading — as a lawyer — that is less than clear from the letter — but it is understandable and is consistent with what a Medicare represented told me yesterday. (Oy, I’m tired to talking!)
I told the GEHA specialist that GEHA/SilverScript needs to prepare a letter to its members informing them that they do not have to file this appeal, but that they need to assure that they are not enrolled in SilverScript because SilverScript has kept re-enrolling people who have already opted out one o more times.
January 16th, 2025 at 4:43 pm
I received another set of opt-out letters from SilverScript today, dated 12/30/2024! The letter stated that we can only change during the annual enrollment period, and I’m not sure what they intended to impart to us with this letter. I called them again today, and they stated that GEHA enrolled everyone for the MDPD plan after we had already opted out. I’ll know more after our February checks are deposited into our accounts. I requested, through GEHA’s public relations department, to interview one of the GEHA executives about this issue for an upcoming follow-up article and haven’t heard back from them. I also requested to talk with one of GEHA’s supervisors about 10 days ago, and they said none were available. I asked them to have a supervisor call the next day, but none did. You mentioned that you were advised the SS appeal process was only for contesting the amount of the IRMMA. The SS specialists I called stated that our only recourse to stop the deductions of Part D premiums and penalties from our checks was to file an SS-561 Form (Request for Reconsideration) stating we were never enrolled in Part D and to send them a copy of the first opt-out confirmation we received, dated 11/28/2024! I’ll call SS next week to ensure the appeal was received and in process, I submitted it on their site and attached a PDF copy of our opt-out letters. I’ll also ask them about what you mentioned in your message. GEHA should set up a hotline to work with members to resolve these valid complaints.
January 17th, 2025 at 11:59 am
count my wife and I as victims of this fraud. we are on the second packet from silver script. Supposedly, my account was FIXED and,since my wife was opted out on the same phone call last Nov.,they will not opt her out without an opt out form. It’s in the mail they say. Messed up my cancer meds and can not afford the new co-pays. so guess we will just fade away.
January 17th, 2025 at 10:13 pm
Dennis and others I’m having similar issues. During open enrollment I called 3 times to make sure I was opted out. The Silver Script phone attendant assured me I was opted out. I few weeks later I received a letter indicating I was opted out because I never sent them the requested information. I am retired Federal and only have Medicare A. I confirmed with the Medicare office a couple days ago that I only have A and Silver Script would have had to get my permission to enroll me in D. I was on hold for over 6 hours today with GEHA trying to get this issue resolved until they hung up on me at closing time. My links to my pharmacy and Caremark have been disabled in their system. I’m on a specialty medication that will soon be due for an updated prior authorization. This situation has been a nightmare!
January 18th, 2025 at 7:05 am
I would write and call your Congressman and file a complaint with OPM’s OIG. Here is the OIG hotline number: 1-877-499-7295. They can advise you as to the best route to take to file a complaint. Here is the link to their online complaint form:
January 18th, 2025 at 11:05 am
The reason i encourage fellow victims of this fiasco to contact their congressional reps is the permanent fix to codify in federal medicare law that opting in to any version of medicare requires their express written consent. OPM began this mess by “encouraging” FEHBP plans to adopt Part D via auto enrollment.
This is why the law needs to be changed by the new Congress.
Now onto GEHA.or any other FEHBP plan: They have a fiduciary responsibilty to make sure the opt out process (which was obviously dysfunctional). Whats so hard about the CEO of GEHA having the initiative to own this chaos and issue a letter to members explaining what went wrong and how they will correct it? All they have to do is compile a list of opt out letters sent to all of us who notified them there was a problem, then assign a task unit to “reverse” the erroneous opt in process by sending the information to the other agencies that implemented the erroneous opt ins (silver script, medicare. Social security etc. Instead the GEHA CEO thinks its easier for thousands of members trying to unravel this screwup by individually calling all these agencies themselves trying to correct the problem. It’s outrageous. Make noise folks: congress reps and Opm IG complaints.
January 18th, 2025 at 10:09 pm
Hello, fellow Federal retiree victims. I have had GEHA Standard plan for many years and carried it into retirement. My husband is my dependent on the plan (Self Plus One). All of the subsequent stories are exactly what I went through. I opted out twice on the phone, once during the first week of FEHB Open Season with GEHA and SilverScript and had never received any letter with instructions on how to do so. I did it on the phone. Then I started receiving at least 3 sets of cards from GEHA which were all mixed up and either contained SilverScript and or my GEHA Connection Dental Plan which I had cancelled through Benefeds for 2025. I also received the letter from the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES advising me that “It appears that you did not have prescription drug coverage that met Medicare’s minimum standards.” I have had FEHB coverage which included a prescription plan since 1972 when I first started working for the DON. After 23 years, I qualified for early out and was able to carry my benefits for my husband and myself into retirement at age 50 due to base closures. I have had continuous, unbroken FEHB prescription coverage since that time to now (27 years)! How can Medicare not know this? My husband and I have Medicare A and B which has worked well with GEHA coverage. I just received a Notice dated January 4, 2025 from G.E.H.A. SilverScript informing me that my request to enroll with SilverScript (EGWP) has been cancelled. Please note that I had never requested enrollment in SilverScript! Anyway, I thought that everything was fixed although we are still waiting the letter from GEHA confirming we were opted out as requested three times. Then I went to the local CVS to pick up a prescription for myself and one for my husband. My husband’s prescription, under INSURANCE INFORMATION, was different than mine which showed “Caremark BIN 004336.” I don’t remember what it showed but not the same info as mine. The CVS cashier verified it against our GEHA card. I refused my husband’s prescription because I didn’t want to add any additional unsolvable problems to our situation than we already have. This is not right. It’s elder abuse. We are being abused and taken advantage of because it is harder for us to fight back. My brain isn’t as sharp as it used to be and works much slower not to mention my memory. I didn’t bother completing the G.E.H.A./SilverScript Declaration of Prior Prescription Drug Coverage by January 16 because I though the problem was fixed and didn’t see a need for it. Now it appears that my husband, who has dementia, is being treated separately from me and I don’t know what to do about that. We will probably be subject to a penalty for all of 2025 which is so unfair. It is a miracle that I ran into this newsletter for federal retirees because I really would have no idea what to do. I’ve heard that Social Security requires retirees to make an appointment by telephone for an onsite appointment and that SS employees are not answering phones most of the time because they are so swamped and short staffed. I can’t thank everyone enough for all your helpful comments and advice on how to handle this situation.
January 19th, 2025 at 9:28 am
Marilyn, I am glad that you found our federal employee newsletter and blog. You can sign up for our email newsletter to receive updates on this opt-out fiasco. I submitted an appeal to Social Security earlier this month and filed a complaint with OPM’s OIG yesterday. To file a complaint regarding fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement within OPM’s programs and operations, use their online complaint form. The complaint form is the preferred method for submitting a complaint; however, you may also submit your complaint by calling the OPM OIG Hotline Number: 1-877-499-7295. I also requested that GEHA’s public relations office set up an interview with the person responsible for their MPDP option and the opt-out process, but they have not replied to my request. Hopefully, they will get this resolved sooner than later, and many like yourself are suffering the consequences, including reduced Social Security checks, higher prescription costs, and so much more.
January 19th, 2025 at 10:22 pm
Great site! Just found it as I searched for what in world the just happened with GEHA and Part D? We’re in the same boat.
So, I checked my SS site and found that I also have URN. Had no idea. Never heard of it. FWIW, this is part of united healthcare. See
January 20th, 2025 at 7:34 am
Bob, thanks for sending the link that explains what UMR is. I talked with Medicare on 1/6/2023 and Rhonda advised me that UMR is a Medigap insurance supplemental plan but couldn’t provide their contact information. The article explains that “UMR is a third-party administrator (TPA) that provides administrative services for companies that choose to self-fund their employee health plans.” United Healthcare provides these services for GEHHA and other FEHB/PSHB plans. You can sign up for our email newsletter to receive updates on this opt-out fiasco. I’ve submitted an appeal with SS and filed a complaint with OPM’s OIG and will publish my findings in and an upcoming newsletter and blog. You can also visit our free federal employee’s retirement planning site for additional helpful information.
January 20th, 2025 at 8:14 am
Ditto. I wrote about this to my congressman and my state’s health commissioner.
I empathized to my congressman the burden that all of our (thousands?) of appeals will put on CMS and the IRS. Like putting sand in the gears of a machine it will make civil servants and federal agencies look inefficient and incompetent BECAUSE OF SOMETHING OUT OF THEIR CONTROL. Not a good time for this.
My wife received a letter from IRS dunning her for Part D which she is not in. I haven’t received one yet.
I strongly urged my congressman to contact CMS and IRS about this so they could coordinate to avoid a tsunami of appeals and to not cut peoples SS income.
January 21st, 2025 at 5:06 pm
PLEASE FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE FTC-FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION. This is HealthCare Fraud and needs to be reported. I am helping my elderly parents navigate this disaster. Please join my Facebook group GEHA SILVERSCRIPT DISENROLLMENT 2025, in hopes of a solution.
January 21st, 2025 at 7:18 pm
OMG! I have not read the details of everyone’s GEHA/PartD problems, but mine just got WORSE!!!
I am now also enrolled in Part B. At a cost of hundreds of dollars per month. I DID NOT TO THIS.
I just finished submitting this issue to my congressman.
Am I alone in also being enrolled in Part B?
I wish you all luck.
January 22nd, 2025 at 9:53 am
Has anyone had luck getting IRMMA reduced? We got slammed with a huge surcharge based on 2023 income, but 2024 income is less than half that due to retirement.
I also got enrolled in Surescripts without consent. Wondering if the path of least aggravation is to at least get the IRMAA surcharge reduced, then cancel during next open enrollment– if that will even be possible.
Very discouraged and not hopeful this will be resolved. The new Administration has hiring freeze, and many Federal employees at SSA and CMS will be losing their jobs due to DOGE.
Agree that it is a GEHA mess, but I don’t see them motivated to fix it. Any dollar spent by Part D is a dollar in GEHA/UHC pocket.
January 22nd, 2025 at 2:29 pm
Great News Everyone! My husband the Retiree just got off the phone with GEHA. We got another set of cards yesterday. He asked “Why and how they able to enroll me in Silverscripts, when that wasn’t your elected choice”? The Agent informed him they enrolled everyone that was eligible for Medicare D. Call your Health Insurance and you ask to be disenrolled! You can write a letter and fax it in or send it in and it takes 3-5 days.
Happy New Years Everyone.
January 22nd, 2025 at 5:58 pm
Amen. Choir
Just to let you know I take eliquis for AFIB. Under the unwanted Silverscripts I was delayed on refills and had to an increase of130$ per month for Eliquis. After 3 days and 20 phone calls I found out from a nice advocate at GEHA that I could opt out of silverscripts. Thank you for my mental heath recovery. As they say you are not alone. Now for 130 bucks. Hmmmm.
January 22nd, 2025 at 7:05 pm
I wonder if the GEHA CEO has considered the potential loss next open season of a fair % of GEHA retired members who supposedly OPTED OUT who have been “touched” by this fiasco? Is he in the Witness Protection Program? It only took one month to create this chaos, how about rolling up your sleeves (mr CEO) and taking one month to correct it.
January 22nd, 2025 at 8:23 pm
I hope this works out for you. Many opted out last November and are still having problems including reduced Social Security checks and Part D premiums we didn’t sign up for. Hopefully this will get corrected sooner than later.
January 23rd, 2025 at 9:53 am
I am relieved as well. I take Stelara for Chron’s, it would have been $250 an Injection.
It bothered me that they could enroll me in Silverscripts when we did not elect it! Finally the 6th set of cards was the final straw, my husband called and success! We were able to dis enroll me out of Silverscripts as well!
January 23rd, 2025 at 11:22 am
I was alarmed when my monthly refill of a cream for my skin condition failed to arrive and called the Pharmacy. The pharmacy informed me my new insurance requires a co-payment of $200/month, the reason why they haven’t shipped the medication. I never requested change during the open season; so I called my insurance GEHA. Shockingly I was told the company automatically enrolled me in medicare part B to enable me access so many additional benefits. I am not sure how paying $200/month for the same medication I was getting at no cost (no copayment) could be characterized as “many benefits to me”. Any way, I was advised to submit a 2025 Group Dis-enrollment Form, which I just did.
January 23rd, 2025 at 3:53 pm
You can sign up for our free email newsletter to receive updates on the GEHA opt-out problems. Many who are writing about this are under the misconception that Part D prescription drug costs are less, but that isn’t the case for many.