
Posted on Thursday, 5th November 2015 by

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The 2016 plan brochures are now available online at OPM.  I ordered 6 plan brochures through OPM’s FEHB Open Season Online service on Monday. I requested hard copies so I can sit down and review them offline. You can also view them online. This year has generated many more questions due to the new Self Plus One option and the fact that health care costs are generally increasing while our annuities are decreasing due to inflation and no 2016 COLA. Even with escalating costs our FEHB Health Care Program is still an excellent benefit.

A number of plans are dropping out of the program in 2016. You will have to select another plan if your plan is withdrawing from the FEHB program. Some Restricted Fee for Service plans, only open only to specific individuals, are not included in the 2016 guide. If you are enrolled in a restricted plan review the plan brochures for benefit and premium information.

It was brought to my attention that on page two of this year’s Open Season Benefits Guide it states that your spouse can continue coverage after the annuitant dies only if you have self and family coverage. The brochure states “While you can cover your spouse on a family enrollment during your lifetime, in the event of your death, your spouse may continue enrollment in the FEHB Program as your survivor only if you are enrolled in self and family coverage at the time of death, and you elected to provide a survivor benefit for your spouse.”

I called OPM and talked with Donna Douglas, an OPM customer service representative. She stated that the brochure needs to be updated and your spouse will be covered if you are enrolled in either a family plan or in the self plus one option when the annuitant dies and the spouse will automatically be switched to the self only option under your current plan.

Nicholas, another newsletter reader stated that he couldn’t find where he could pay his FEHB plan premiums directly because next year his annuity will not be enough to continue premium deductions. He didn’t want to switch to a lower cost plan. According to OPM, “if your monthly annuity payment is less than the monthly premium for the plan you want, you may pay your premium directly. You can request information on electing this payment option through Open Season Online or Open Season Express”.

Couples now enrolled in a family option are not automatically changed to the Self Plus One option. You must elect this new option if desired and make the change during open season. My previous articles titled FEHB Self Plus One – A Major Disappointment, and FEHB Cost Savings and our New 2016 Leave Chart provide additional information for the new Self Plus One option.

Many of your questions will be answered in this year’s Open Season Health Benefit Guide that you will receive shortly or you can download a copy at https://retireefehb.opm.gov/Annuitant/ after you register. I downloaded my copy earlier this week.

Request a Retirement Benefits Summary & Analysis. Includes projected annuity payments, income verses expenses, FEGLI, and TSP projections.

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The information provided may not cover all aspect of unique or special circumstances, federal regulations, medical procedures, and financial information are subject to change. To ensure the accuracy of this information, contact relevant parties and ask them to review your official personnel file and circumstances concerning this issue. Retirees can contact the OPM retirement center. Our article is not intended nor should it be considered investment advice and our articles and replies are time sensitive. Over time, various dynamic economic factors relied upon as a basis for this article may change. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation and this service is not affiliated with OPM or any federal entity. You should consult with a financial, medical or human resource professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher or author shall be liable for any loss or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.


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Posted on Saturday, 24th October 2015 by

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Now that we officially aren’t receiving a COLA in 2016 and our health care costs are increasing next year, for some substantially, it’s time to cut our expenses wherever possible. Over the past few months I saved a substantial amount by reviewing our monthly bills and pairing costs. I believe I’ve saved enough to offset the higher FEHB and Medicare health insurance cost increases next year. I also posted our updated 2016 Leave Chart for active federal employees that are planning their exit and need to establish realistic target retirement dates. The new 2016 spreadsheet will also help you maximize your annuity through prudent management of your annual and sick leave balances.

My last article titled FEHB Self Plus One – A Major Disappointment  described how little overall the Self Plus One option will save us and in some cases costs more. Since publishing the article I received a number of emails about the new option.  One of our readers wondered how Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) could justify charging more than twice the cost of the Standard Self option for the Standard Self Plus One option.  The BCBS Standard Self option will cost $217.06 per month in 2016 while the Standard Self Plus One option will cost $501.17 monthly, $67.05 over the cost of two Standard Self enrollments!

Frank, a friend and former associate of mine, was talking with another retiree that has the Nationwide APWU Health Plan. He has been with them since he entered the FAA and right now he is paying $316.83 a month for the High Self and Family option plus a $35.00 a year fee to cover APWU union associate dues. In 2016 their High Self & Family option is increasing substantially to $467.13 per month. However, the Self Plus One option will only cost $335.98 per month, a $131.15 savings per month for those who convert from the APWU Family to the Self Plus One option. The APWU High Self Plus One option is $12.31 less than the BCBS Standard Self Plus One option costs, something worth exploring. The BCBS Basic coverage is limited to their in-service providers and if you go out of their network they don’t cover any of the costs.

I’m currently enrolled in the BCBS Basic Self & Family option that is increasing next year to $355.76 per month. Their Basic Self Plus One option costs $348.29 for a savings of only $7.47, still more than I was paying for the Basic Family option in 2015. Several years ago, before I signed up for Medicare at age 65, I was enrolled in the GEHA Standard Self & Family Benefit Plan. The major reasons why I changed plans was due to their higher deductible, coinsurance and copayments that I had to pay each year plus they covered less for hearing aids which I need every three to five years. Now that I’m on Medicare all of the deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments are covered by the GEHA plan as an incentive to sign up for Medicare. I’ll be ordering the GEHA, BCBS, and the APWU and other health plan brochures this year to compare coverage and benefits.

I also reviewed the HMO plan costs for my area and found the same issues, little to no cost savings for the Self Plus One option. The PA Aetna Open Access plan charges $42 more for their High Self Plus One enrollment than they do for their Family option.

If you haven’t signed up to order health plan brochures and change enrollments on OPM’s FEHB Open Season Online site, sign up this year. It’s easy to register during open season and I order plan brochures and change enrollments online. You get an immediate confirmation for plan changes plus you can view all plan information either online or they will send out hard copies via regular mail. I always order hard copies of the top three plans I’m considering so that I have a copy of the plan I select for my file.

I mentioned in the first paragraph of this article that I was able to reduce our monthly bills substantially this year in preparation for the health care cost increases and lack of COLA in 2016. You too can do the same. Here is a list of the savings I was able to achieve:

  • $62 monthly Cell phone charge decrease – My contract was up and I elected to keep my iPhone 5 and my monthly bill decreased from $120 a month to $62. I went from 700 anytime minutes and 500 text messages to unlimited for both and am paying half the price!
  • Dropped my natural gas bill by about 3% by calling the gas delivery provider and asking them to drop my rate to the new lower rate that included a 24 month lock with no penalty for canceling the agreement. I did the same with my electric company provider.
  • $50 monthly reduction in my cable TV bill. I called and advised them I was considering switching to DISH and they dropped my bill by $50 a month.
  • $12.50 monthly for AOL membership. I called AOL and reviewed plans. They decreased my payment from $25 a month to $12.50 and discovered they include free Life Lock Identity Protection and free phone technical support for any computer or tablet problems that I have. With all of the OPM and other security breaches the Life Lock membership will be welcomed.
  • $50 per month. I canceled a number of memberships and subscriptions that I used infrequently and decided I could do without the services.
  • I appealed our property taxes and this month I won the appeal and our real estate taxes dropped by about 9%, a significant monthly savings.
  • My wife and I order many products online through Amazon.com and signed up for their Prime membership. They had a one day special several months ago for only $68, normally $99. The membership includes free two day shipping for one year on all orders plus access to Amazon Video, a live streaming service similar to Netflix. We watch Amazon Video and Netflix most of the time these days. The TV commercials drive us crazy and you can’t stay focused on the programs. With Amazon Video and Netflix you get most of the major TV series commercial free and we watch entire TV series over a period of a week or so. We have saved a lot on shipping and enjoy the many other services that come with Prime membership.
  • I discovered this year while doing home improvements that Home depot offers a 10% discount for all sales at their stores for military personnel and veterans. I was wearing my USAF Veteran hat and they mentioned the discount. All I had to do was show them my driver’s license that lists my “Veteran” status. In Pennsylvania, when you go in for your driver’s license renewal, take a copy of your DD 214 discharge record with you and they will add “Veteran” to your Drivers License card under a small American flag log. The Boscov’s department stores also offer vets a 15% discount. You have to go to their customer service department and ask for a Veterans discount coupon for that day.

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The information provided may not cover all aspect of unique or special circumstances, federal regulations, medical procedures, and financial information are subject to change. To ensure the accuracy of this information, contact relevant parties and ask them to review your official personnel file and circumstances concerning this issue. Retirees can contact the OPM retirement center. Our article is not intended nor should it be considered investment advice and our articles and replies are time sensitive. Over time, various dynamic economic factors relied upon as a basis for this article may change. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation and this service is not affiliated with OPM or any federal entity. You should consult with a financial, medical or human resource professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher or author shall be liable for any loss or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.


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Posted on Thursday, 1st October 2015 by

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OPM announced that the 2016 FEHB premiums will increase an average of 6.4 percent. Enrollees, on average, will pay $5.50 more each pay period for Self Only coverage and those with Self and Family coverage will pay $19.61 more per pay period. OPM also states in their latest press release that, “for over 95% of enrollees, the enrollee share for Self Plus One will be lower than the enrollee share for Self and Family in their current plan. However, it is possible that some plans will have higher enrollee shares for Self Plus One enrollments than for Self and Family enrollments. Therefore, enrollees are encouraged to carefully review their choices before making a change; switching to Self Plus One is voluntary.”

I can understand why the costs for the Self Plus One would be higher than the Self Only option but it is difficult to understand why any plan would charge more for a Self Plus One option over a family enrollment. Look over the plans and costs carefully before making a change.

The new premium rates were released this week and I was personally very disappointed with the Self Plus One rates. There is little difference, a few dollars, from the Family rates for many plans and some plans actually charge more for the Self Plus One! Unbelievable….

The majority of retirees have Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. My wife and I are enrolled in the nationwide Blue Cross and Blue Shield Basic Service Benefit Plan. In 2016 the Basic Self and Family rates are listed at $355.76 per month compared to $348.29 for the Self Plus One. A total savings of $7.47 cents! The new Self Plus One Blue Cross and Blue Shield Basic rate is $26.62 more than we paid last year monthly for our family plan. The Nationwide NALC Value Option plan offers the Family and Self Plus one options for the exact same price and the nationwide MHBP – Standard plan charges $30.62 more for the Self Plus One plan over their Family Plan.

With little to no COLA coming our way in 2016 and significant Medicare Part B premium increases next year for many, retirees suffer again for another year. Add to this the Federal reserve that has kept interest rates low for 9 years transferring the interest retirees would have made on their savings to the federal government so they can continue to borrow 40% of every dollar they spend! I wrote an article several years ago about the National Debt Crisis that you may find interesting. The Medicare 2016 premium increases coming will be limited under a hold harmless clause to retires that aren’t signed up for Social Security or pay an income adjusted Medicare premium. They will bear the burden of the Obama care fiasco.

With the increased costs and little if any COLA this year it is a good time to review your current health care plans to ensure they cover the services you need at a cost you can afford. The FEHB Open Season runs from November 9 through December 14, just a month or so away.  There are many things to consider including the new Self Plus One option that does offer a little relief starting in 2016 for some plans. For those turning 65 soon, and will be paying a Part B Medicare premium, you may want to consider a lower cost FEHB plan. Another consideration is the services you will need in 2016, evaluate each plan carefully to ensure they cover any special services that you may require.

Even with these disappointments we still have excellent coverage. I’ll be personally reviewing a number of plans with the prospect of changing to a lower cost provider since my wife and I both pay Medicare Part B premiums.

Request a Retirement Benefits Summary & Analysis. Includes projected annuity payments, income verses expenses, FEGLI, and TSP projections.

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The information provided may not cover all aspect of unique or special circumstances, federal regulations, medical procedures, and financial information are subject to change. To ensure the accuracy of this information, contact relevant parties and ask them to review your official personnel file and circumstances concerning this issue. Retirees can contact the OPM retirement center. Our article is not intended nor should it be considered investment advice and our articles and replies are time sensitive. Over time, various dynamic economic factors relied upon as a basis for this article may change. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation and this service is not affiliated with OPM or any federal entity. You should consult with a financial, medical or human resource professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher or author shall be liable for any loss or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.


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Posted on Thursday, 24th September 2015 by

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Retirement Benefits Update

OPM recently added new helpful features to their Retirement Information and Services web site. The site continues to add new features to help annuitants and survivors with benefit and retirement issues. The latest additions provide registered users the ability to view and print 1099-R Tax Forms and a Year-to-Date Summary of Annuity Payments. Here is a list of available features that you can use to manage your retirement:

  • Change your Federal and State Income Tax Withholding
  • Change your Mailing Address
  • Change your Password
  • Establish an Allotment to an Organization
  • Request Duplicate Annuity Booklet
  • Set up a Checking or Savings Allotment
  • Sign up for Direct Deposit of your Payment
  • Update your Email Address/Opt-in to Receive Information Electronically
  • View/Print Annuity Statement/Verification of Income
  • NEW! View/Print 1099-R Tax Forms . View/Print Retirement Services Reference Card (ID Card)
  • NEW! View/Print a Year-to-Date Summary Of Payments
  • View/Print Verification of Life Insurance (FEGLI)
  • View the Status of your Case while in Interim Pay

Herbert Casey wrote an excellent article for our blog titled Connecting to OPM Retirement Services Online that walks you through the registration process. I use this service frequently. Recently I updated our estate plans and downloaded a verification of my retirement income and printed a copy of my FEGLI Life Insurance Verification for my estate binder. You can also download a copy of the annual 1099-R tax form before your mailed copy is received or to replace a lost copy.

Do Not Call National Registry

We were receiving many telemarketing calls this past year and they are annoying. I decided to add all three of our phone lines, including my cell phone number, to the National Do-Not-Call List.

There has been a lot of talk about the pending wireless 411 phone directory, similar to the traditional phone directory. According to the FCC. “Placing telemarketing calls to wireless phones is – and always has been – illegal in most cases.” They go on to say that, “it is unlawful for any person to make any call (other than a call made for emergency purposes or made with express prior consent) using any automatic telephone dialing system or any artificial or prerecorded voice message to wireless numbers. This law applies regardless of whether the number is listed on the national Do-Not-Call list.”

You can add your phone numbers to the Do-Not-Call list either by calling 1-888-382-1222 from the phone number you want to register or go online to the Federal Trade Commission’s Do-Not-Call site to register up to three lines for this service. I used the online service to register our three lines and it only took a few minutes and I received an immediate confirmation. The do-not-call rules require callers that are not exempt from the rules to stop telemarketing calls 30 days after you register a number.

If you are being bothered by telemarketers you can file a complaint online with the FCC or call them at 1-888-225-5322. You can also file complaints about unwanted telemarketing calls to your wireless phone with the FTC at http://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov, call the FTC toll-free at 1-877-382-4357; TTY: 1-866-653-4261, or write to:

Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20580

FEHB Open Season

The 2015 Open Season runs from November 10th through December 8th of this year. You will be able to select for the first time a Self Plus One election that is expected to reduce retiree’s monthly premiums. The rumor on the street is that the premium decrease may not be as much as we had originally hoped. Rates and plan brochures should be available in late October to early November.

Request a FREE Retirement Benefits Summary & Analysis. A sample analysis is available for your review. Includes projected annuity payments, income verses expenses, FEGLI, and TSP projections.

Helpful Retirement Planning Tools Distribute these FREE tools to others that are planning their retirement

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The information provided may not cover all aspect of unique or special circumstances, federal regulations, medical procedures, and financial information are subject to change. To ensure the accuracy of this information, contact relevant parties and ask them to review your official personnel file and circumstances concerning this issue. Retirees can contact the OPM retirement center. Our article is not intended nor should it be considered investment advice and our articles and replies are time sensitive. Over time, various dynamic economic factors relied upon as a basis for this article may change. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation and this service is not affiliated with OPM or any federal entity. You should consult with a financial, medical or human resource professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher or author shall be liable for any loss or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.


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Posted on Saturday, 5th September 2015 by

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In TSP – Ways to Safeguard Your TSP, part 1 of this series, I discussed a significant reason why a spouse that inherits a TSP account would want to transfer their TSP account to an IRA.  According to the TSP, “If a TSP beneficiary participant (Annuitant’s spouse) dies, the new beneficiary(ies) cannot continue to maintain the account in the TSP. Also, the death benefit cannot be transferred or rolled over into any type of IRA or plan.” If you are the surviving spouse and inherit your husband or wife’s TSP account, when you die your beneficiaries must claim the full amount as income the year that you die.

I previously discussed what a surviving spouse needs to consider before moving their TSP to an IRA in Survivors Beware – The TSP Trap and in a follow up article I talked about The TSP Advantages (Should I Stay or Go).

If the annuitant or the surviving spouse transfers his/her TSP account to an IRA the heirs can convert their share of the IRA to an “Inherited IRA” which has many benefits. According to Vanguard, “A nonspouse beneficiary has four options when receiving an IRA inheritance: inheriting the IRA, taking a lump-sum distribution, disclaiming the IRA, or electing Vanguard’s pass-through service. Each option has its own tax consequences and some options are irrevocable.”

Most either elect the Inherited IRA or take a lump sum if they need the cash now. An Inherited IRA allows heirs to grow the assets tax-deferred. Vanguard explains that, “When you inherit an IRA, you take the IRA account as a beneficiary (for your benefit) and withdraw from it over a fixed period of time without a tax penalty, regardless of age. Even if you’re under age 59½, you will not be subject to an “early withdrawal” penalty from the IRS.”

Inherited IRAs if not handled properly can trigger large tax bills and you could lose your tax-deferred status. This is especially true for nonspouse heirs and you must take the following actions to maintain your tax deferred status.

  • Properly title your inherited IRA account
  • Take the required minimum distributions
  • Divide the IRA when there are multiple beneficiaries
  • Don’t Ignore charity or non-person beneficiaries

Properly Title Your Inherited IRA account

Titling of an inherited IRA varies between IRA custodians. It is essential that the deceased IRA owner’s name remains on the inherited IRA account and the account title must indicate that it is an inherited IRA by either using the word “beneficiary” or variation there of indicating it is an inherited IRA. Here are three samples of inherited IRA titles:

  • Jane Doe (deceased August 1, 2015) IRA for the benefit of John Doe
  • David Smith, deceased, for the benefit of Jennifer Smith
  • David Smith, beneficiary Jennifer Smith

As long as the deceased IRA owner’s name stays on the account there is no set format. However, it must be clear that the IRA is inherited. It’s important for the beneficiary of the inherited IRA to name successor beneficiaries for their account.

Take the required minimum distributions

Traditional IRAs require the owners of the account to take required minimum distributions at the age of 70 . Non spousal beneficiaries are able to spread out their inherited IRA payouts over their life time and must take their first RMD the year following the year the owner died regardless of the beneficiary’s age. You will pay tax on the distributions from deductible contributions and earnings for traditional IRAs. Non spousal beneficiaries must also take RMDs from inherited ROTH accounts however withdrawals are tax free.

There is a significant penalty for not taking an RMD, a 50% excise tax on the amount that should have been distributed that year. According to the IRS, ” Beneficiaries of retirement accounts and IRAs calculate RMDs using the Single Life Table (Table I, Appendix B, Publication 590-B, Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)). The table shows a life expectancy based on the beneficiary’s age. The account balance is divided by this life expectancy to determine the first RMD. The life expectancy is reduced by one for each subsequent year.” There are ways to avoid the excise tax if you miss a RMD however you should look at all options before deciding on how to proceed.

Properly divide the IRA

Each non spousal beneficiary should establish their own unique inherited IRA account and titled appropriately as noted above in most cases. For example, we have two children and they are 6 years apart. If they set up a joint account for both beneficiaries they would have to use my son’s age, our oldest child, to calculate the RMD. Another more dramatic example would be if you left your IRA to an older sibling, that for this example is age 70, and to your only child, a daughter age 25. If the account remains intact and isn’t divided the daughter in this example would have to withdraw far more because of the siblings age.

Assuming that you left $200,000 to your heirs, each getting $100,000 you would determine the RMD of each heir by dividing the account balance at the end of 2016 by the appropriate life expectancy from Table I (Single Life Expectancy) in Appendix B. The daughter’s division factor would be 58.2 and your siblings 17! In this example the RMD for your sibling would be $5,882 per year and your daughter’s would only be $1,718. Your daughter would be able to accumulate more tax deferred income and investment growth over her life time and still receive an annual cash benefit. Essentially, the younger the beneficiary the less the account is drawn down and the longer it has to accumulate wealth.

Don’t Ignore charity or non-person beneficiaries

If the IRA you are inheriting has multiple beneficiaries that include charities or other entities other than a person there are strict payout procedures and time lines to follow. These types of beneficiaries must be paid their inheritance by no later than September 30, of year after the owner’s death according to the IRS. The penalty for not complying with the payout is that all of the beneficiaries are excluded from taking withdrawals over their life time in accordance with Table 1 mentioned above. The account must be liquidated (emptied) within 5 years if the original owner of the account died before taking RMDs. If he died after taking his first RMD beneficiaries must take RMDs based on the deceased’s life expectancy tables.

There are also rules to follow if a trust is a beneficiary. You should talk with your attorney, financial planner, or IRA custodian to ensure you follow all of the rules. A copy of the trust must be sent to the custodian of the IRA by October 31 of the following year after the owner died. If the owner died March 1, 2015 the trust document must be sent to the IRA custodian by October 30 of 2016. The penalty for not doing this is the same as mentioned above for charities.

Disclaiming Your Interest

For tax planning and other purposes some choose to disclaim their inherited interest. According to Fidelity Investments, “If you decline to accept all or part of the IRA assets you are entitled to, they will pass to the other eligible beneficiaries. If no other beneficiaries exist, the assets will pass in accordance with the IRA provider’s contractual defaults. For example, with a Fidelity IRA the assets will pass to the original IRA owner’s surviving spouse and, if none, to the estate. A decision to disclaim IRA assets must be made within nine months of the original IRA owner’s death and before you take possession of the assets. This is an irrevocable decision. Therefore, as with any tax-related matter, it’s critical that you consult a tax adviser or attorney before disclaiming IRA assets.”


Most custodians of inherited IRAs offer counseling and will help you set up your inherited IRA account. You can elect to establish your IRA at any custodian that you choose. Don’t hesitate to contact them for guidance when setting up your inherited IRA. Most large brokerage houses also will set up an account for you and they provide guidance on these matters, talk with their specialists if you have any questions about your inheritance. Here are two of the largest IRA Custodians that can provide guidance.


The problem with converting your easily managed TSP fund to an IRA is finding suitable fund replacements that will replicate the TSP funds that we now have available. The final article in this series, part 3, will discuss indexed mutual fund and ETF alternatives to the various TSP funds.

Another consideration is can you do it on your own or do you need a financial adviser to help you along the way. Read my article titled Have You Considered Hiring a Financial Adviser to help you decide what road to take.

Retiree Job Center Update

Check out our Job Center if you are interested in finding employment in retirement. Employers looking to recruit federal retirees and those soon to retire post job vacancies on our site. Recently Sterling Bank Services in Texas is looking for part time Alarm Inspectors and ATM Technicians If you are approaching retirement or a recent retiree with a security clearance visit the Security Clearance jobs board to find lucrative employment opportunities.

Request a Retirement Benefits Summary & Analysis. Includes projected annuity payments, income verses expenses, FEGLI, and TSP projections.

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The information provided may not cover all aspect of unique or special circumstances, federal regulations, medical procedures, and financial information are subject to change. To ensure the accuracy of this information, contact relevant parties and ask them to review your official personnel file and circumstances concerning this issue. Retirees can contact the OPM retirement center. Our article is not intended nor should it be considered investment advice and our articles and replies are time sensitive. Over time, various dynamic economic factors relied upon as a basis for this article may change. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation and this service is not affiliated with OPM or any federal entity. You should consult with a financial, medical or human resource professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher or author shall be liable for any loss or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.


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Posted on Thursday, 13th August 2015 by

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Even if you think, like I did in 2004 when the last open season was offered, that you have sufficient coverage you may be surprised at what you discover. I wish I knew then what I know now about these attractive low cost options.

OPM recently announced that a 2016 Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Open Season will be available to change your coverage starting September 1, 2016 through September 30, 2016. If you are approaching retirement this is an excellent time to take advantage of low cost insurance options that you may not have thought of when you first signed up. FEGLI rate changes will also take effect the first pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2016. Employees’ basic insurance premiums won’t change and most rates for Option A, B, and C will decrease. Rates will increase for older Option A, B and C age bands and the 50% reduction and the no reduction rates will increase for retirees.

Active federal employees can increase their coverage at any time however they must take a physical to qualify. They can also add coverage for Qualifying Life Events. The benefit of increasing coverage during an open season is that you aren’t required to take a physical. Unfortunately, retirees can’t increase their coverage even during an open season, they only have the option, at any time, to reduce their coverage.

The Federal Register announcement states , “Open Seasons are one method by which healthy individuals can be attracted to join and reduce the risk profile of the program. Some less healthy individuals may elect coverage during Open Seasons. To mitigate this risk, the effective date for employees in active pay status who make an Open Season election would be delayed one full year to October 1, 2017, subject to FEGLI law and regulation, including applicable pay and duty status requirements.”

Now is a good time for all participants to evaluate their insurance needs and to take advantage of low cost insurance FEGLI options for you and your family. Basic and Options A, and C are reasonable. Option B, multiples, can get very expensive as you age and many seek to replace B with lower cost private insurance providers. If you do this be sure to check out the insurance provider’s rating first.

CAUTION: Prior to my retirement, in my mid forties, I was approached by an insurance company that offered to beat the FEGLI rates. Their projections showed considerable cost savings as I aged and I decided to drop Option A, and the Family Part C Option. The insurance company, due to lower than projected interest rates, reduced the insurance coverage unless we agreed to more than double our premiums! Fortunately I kept Basic coverage which at age 65 is free if you elect the 75% reduction. Option A and C have similar features. You can add or increase Part C family coverage and the inexpensive Option A this open season if desired. Family coverage can be kept for as long as you need it. For more information on Basic, Part A, B, and C coverage read the article titled FEGLI Insurance Options (Part 2) – Options A, B & C.

In the above mentioned article I state,” After retirement you can’t increase coverage, you can only reduce your coverage. If you remotely think you or your spouse will need insurance it’s best to elect that coverage now and if you run into a bind down the road you can always reduce multiples or certain options altogether if desired. If you do decided to obtain quotes from private insurance companies for Part B alternatives consider keeping your Basic, Part A and C options. They may try to talk you into dropping all of your FEGLI coverage and they can be convincing. From my perspective the FEGLI insurance costs for Basic, A, and C are reasonable and depending on what you elect in retirement two of the three are FREE when you reach age 65.”

The last FEGLI Open Season was in 2004 and prior to that 1999. Open seasons are few and far between. Take the time NOW to evaluate your insurance needs and take advantage of this opportunity.

Request a Retirement Benefits Summary & Analysis. Includes projected annuity payments, income verses expenses, FEGLI, and TSP projections.

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Posted on Wednesday, 5th August 2015 by

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I was asked by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to be a guest speaker at their Washington DC headquarters on July 29th 2015. I discussed ways for employees to enhance their careers through the development and implementation of realistic and obtainable individual Development Plans (IDPs). In the afternoon I presented a similar program at the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to help launch their new Career Development Toolkit program for their Leadership and Employee Development (LED) team.

I haven’t visited Washington DC for over a decade and things haven’t changed much since my last visit. The food was excellent, major construction projects everywhere, and the traffic as always a challenge. The people attending the sessions were attentive and interested and I met many new people and hopefully forged new friendships.

One thing that has changed is how one navigates around the DC beltway and traffic in general. My taxi driver and booking agent’s author escort service used an app called WAZE that allows drivers in the area to share real-time traffic and road information that routes you around traffic jams and accidents in the area. You don’t have to watch the screen on your iphone, it gives you audio warnings and announces the route, turn by turn, around the traffic. You can find out more about this app on their web site at https://www.waze.com. My driver suggested that if you use WAZE it tends to deplete your phone’s battery resources rather quickly so use a car charger to keep your phone charged.

The connection between career development and retirement is significant and can be life changing. The primary benefit of a career development plan is that viable and well thought out Individual Development Plans (IDPs) often lead to recognition, promotions, and Quality Within Grade (QWI) awards. Your annuity (retirement checks) are based on your high-3 average pay including locality pay and annual premiums for standby duty and availability if applicable. A well thought out plan offers many benefits including the potential for a substantial increase in your federal retirement annuity!

Many IDPs also include a stint at regional or Washington DC headquarter offices especially towards the end of your active career. Regional offices and headquarters are typically in higher paying major metropolitan areas. These are high cost areas and the locality pay may be significantly higher than where you are currently working. For example, if you worked in a location under the Locality Rest of US (RUS) schedule a GS-14 step 4 makes $108,497 a year compared to $128,445 if you work in the San Francisco area. Your high three would increase dramatically. The cost of living would be higher however Uncle Sam does pay generous relocation allowances and your stay would only be for a few years to boost your high three annuity calculation.

Other ways to increase your pension is to buy back your military time if you served in the armed forces of the United States. When you pay your military credit you are able to add your military time (years and months of service) to your pension (annuity) calculation that will increase your retirement check. If you are under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and eligible to collect social security (you paid into Social Security for at least 40 quarters) your annuity will be decreased at age 62 by the number of years that you served if you don’t buy back your military time. Many CSRS employees retire in their 50s and often work in the private sector where they will accumulate enough social security quarters to qualify. Also, if you don’t buy back your military time shortly after entering federal service you have to pay a significant interest penalty.

A realistic and actionable career development plan has many benefits including those that you may not realize at the time such as a dramatically increased retirement annuity down the road. During my career, using the techniques I describe in Take Charge of Your Federal Career I earned two Quality Within Grades and numerous promotions. All resulting in a substantially higher retirement pension. All federal employees should consider initiating a career development plan and be aware and educated about their federal retirement benefits. They go hand in hand and you can lose substantial retirement funds if you aren’t prepared and don’t understand your options.

Retiree Job Center Update

If you intend to work in retirement for whatever reason check out our Jobs Center. Employers looking to recruit federal retirees and those soon to retire post job vacancies on our site. Recently Blue Square Resolutions posted a Help Desk Technician position for the New York area and Adams Consulting Group is looking for a Paralegal/Analyst-Class Action/ Securities or Anti-trust specialist. Visit our Job Board for complete details. Another recent posting is for an accountant / bookkeeper.

Request a Retirement Benefits Summary & Analysis. Includes projected annuity payments, income verses expenses, FEGLI, and TSP projections.

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The information provided may not cover all aspect of unique or special circumstances, federal regulations, medical procedures, and financial information are subject to change. To ensure the accuracy of this information, contact relevant parties and ask them to review your official personnel file and circumstances concerning this issue. Retirees can contact the OPM retirement center. Our article is not intended nor should it be considered investment advice and our articles and replies are time sensitive. Over time, various dynamic economic factors relied upon as a basis for this article may change. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation and this service is not affiliated with OPM or any federal entity. You should consult with a financial, medical or human resource professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher or author shall be liable for any loss or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.


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Posted on Saturday, 4th July 2015 by

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Updated 6/22/2023

When a spouse is designated the beneficiary of a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) account, the TSP establishes a beneficiary participant account in the spouse’s name. The money in the beneficiary participant account stays invested as it was in the deceased participant’s account except for any money the participant had invested in the mutual fund window.

Money from the mutual fund window will be reinvested in TSP funds according to the deceased participant’s investment election on file. The money in a beneficiary participant account is not subject to federal income tax withholding until it is withdrawn. No taxes would be due unless you withdraw funds or are required by age to take a minimum distribution.


The TSP’s Death Benefits brochure states  that, “A beneficiary who is not a surviving spouse cannot retain a TSP account. The death benefit payment will be made directly to the beneficiary or to an ‘inheritedIRA.” There are distinct benefits for non-spousal beneficiaries to have their inheritance transferred to an inherited IRA. When a death benefit is paid directly to a beneficiary they may be subject to a 20% mandatory federal income tax withholding and the entire amount will be taxable in the year it was inherited. This may create a significant tax burden, depending on the account balance, that can be deferred if the funds are transferred to an inherited IRA with a financial institution such as a brokerage house, financial planning firm, or mutual fund family.

The Surviving Spouse

In my article titled Survivor’s Beware – The TSP Trap I discuss what a surviving spouse needs to consider before moving their funds to a private equity firm, precautions they should take, the advantages of the Thrift Savings Plan, the ease of managing their TSP account, and recommendations to safeguard their TSP assets with little to no market risk.

These same considerations should be evaluated by retirees and those approaching retirement who are often approached by financial planners with recommendations to move their funds from the TSP to higher market risk investments. There are also some disadvantages to consider for inherited spousal TSP account holders that could negatively impact their heirs.

I kept my TSP account in retirement because of the many TSP advantages that I discuss in the above mentioned article and in The TSP Advantage (Should I Stay or Go). I like the simplicity of the TSP, low management fees, and the fact that the G-Fund has NO MARKET RISK and its one year return is 3.74 percent and 4.66% since inception as of 6/7/2023. The L-Income Fund, that has approximately 30% allocated to equity and non-government bond investements, its return is 3.92% for the last year and 4.05% since its inception. However, there are good reasons to move our funds to an IRA for the benefit of our beneficiaries longterm.

Beneficairy Accounts

According to the TSP, “If a beneficiary participant dies, the new beneficiary(ies) cannot continue to maintain the account in the TSP.”  If the surviving spouse’s beneficiaries neglect to transfer the temporary account the TSP sets up for them within 90 days or they die before distirbuting the inheritance, all of the funds are distributed that year to the beneficiaires of the temporary account and the heirs must claim the full amount as income the year that the survivor beneficiary dies.

TSP accounts, especially for FERS annuitants, can be hundreds of thousands of dollars and some exceed a million or more. Because your beneficiaries would have to claim all of that income the year it is inherited if they don’t elect to roll over the account to an inherited IRA at another financial institution, they could end up in the top tax bracket. If they transfered the funds to an inherited IRA account they can spread out or defer payments for years.

Transfering Accounts to an IRA

Anuitants and spouses of a deceased annuitants that have a Beneficiary Participant Account (BPA) can transfer (roll over) their TSP account to an IRA with either a financial planner, brokerage house, or mutual fund family. If you transfer to an IRA account, your heirs can, if desired, transfer their share to an inherited IRA at that institution or another and won’t have to claim the entire amount the year of the inheritance. Non-spousal beneficairies of an annuitant’s TSP acounts must elect a transter to an inheristed IRA within 90 days or they will receive the lump sum distribution that will be taxable the year of the death.

Unfortuntely, beneficiaries of a BPA, the spousal account of a deceased annuitant, can’t transfer their inherited funds to an inherited IRA, their only option is to take a lump sum the year the funds are paid out.

TSP Alternatives

You can closely match TSP funds to private sector indexed funds with companies like Fidelity and Vanguard mutual funds or exchange traded funds (ETFs). Indexed funds generally have very low management fees, far less than managed funds charge and ETFs mirror the performance of many indexed mutual funds and they are traded like stocks. These two companies are the giants of the mutual fund industry and will assist you with the transfer and recommend funds that closely match the TSP fund options with some exceptions.

Most mutual fund families and brokerage houses can establish inherited IRAs for their clients however you need to be aware of front and back end loads (fees) that some mutual funds charge that can be as high as 5% or more. I don’t believe there are any mutual funds that can guarantee that your investment will never decrease in value like the TSP G-Fund does. However, there are many government bond fund options to choose from.

You don’t have to invest in stocks or mutual funds. You can invest your funds in Certificates of Deposit, maintain a cash account, buy municipal bonds, U.S. Treasury bills, notes or bonds, corporate bonds of all types, or any other investment that you choose in an IRA.

I left instructions with our estate plan advising my wife and successor trustees about the beneficiary time line to transfer to an inherited IRA. I may reconsider transferring my TSP account to an IRA to simplify things down the road.

My next article will discuss inherited IRAs and how they are established and function and a final article in this series will discuss indexed mutual fund alternatives to the various TSP funds.

Related TSP Articles

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The information provided may not cover all aspect of unique or special circumstances, federal regulations, medical procedures, and financial information are subject to change. To ensure the accuracy of this information, contact relevant parties and ask them to review your official personnel file and circumstances concerning this issue. Retirees can contact the OPM retirement center. Our article is not intended nor should it be considered investment advice and our articles and replies are time sensitive. Over time, various dynamic economic factors relied upon as a basis for this article may change. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation and this service is not affiliated with OPM or any federal entity. You should consult with a financial, medical or human resource professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher or author shall be liable for any loss or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.


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