
Posted on Friday, 28th June 2024 by Dennis Damp


Last year’s 3.2% COLA for Social Security and the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), and 2.4% for Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) dropped considerably from the 2023 COLA of 8.7% CSRS and 7.7% FERS. The highest in over 40 years. Costs continue to increase for most essentials. The costs of all items have increased around […]

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Posted on Friday, 15th March 2024 by Dennis Damp


I felt liberated from the day-to-day work schedule of the past 40 plus years when I first retired, and I see this excitement in new retirees that I encounter.  Most, with some reservations, feel such a sense of elation when they walk out the door for the last time and realize their new life begins […]

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Posted on Friday, 2nd February 2024 by Dennis Damp


A Federal Employee’s Dilemma Is the grass greener on the other side? Humm, maybe, depending on the circumstances, yes and no!  If you’re referring to Ireland, yes, their grass is literally greener than most. When it comes to a career change proceed with caution, especially when considering federal employment’s exceptional pay and benefits. In my […]

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Posted on Monday, 18th November 2013 by Dennis Damp


Another year is almost over! The older I get the faster the days go by and at an alarming rate. Christmas is around the corner and It seems like I just completed our 2012 taxes and sure enough I’m starting to compile information and purchasing Turbo Tax for 2013. Each year I register for OPM’s […]

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Posted on Thursday, 12th September 2013 by Dennis Damp


This is a follow-up to my last article which talked about the potential impact the new health care legislation may have on our FEHB plans. I was going to title this article “The Unintended Consequences of the Affordable Health Care Act” however that really isn’t the case. Those who drafted this plan knew full well […]

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Posted on Saturday, 5th January 2013 by Dennis Damp


There is considerable confusion on what federal employees and retirees can do to convert all or a part of their TSP funds to a TSP ROTH.  There are limitations and unfortunately you can’t convert any of your current TSP funds to a ROTH within the TSP program. There are only 2 ways to get ROTH […]

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Posted on Friday, 7th December 2012 by Dennis Damp


Updated 7/25/2021 Yes, there are ways to retire with more than you can imagine!  There are many parts to this puzzle that YOU have control over and those who take responsible actions now will be handsomely rewarded when they decide to retire.  Having more in retirement doesn’t necessarily mean having a larger annuity, although that […]

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