Posted on Friday, 18th August 2023 by

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The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) released three videos recently to help federal retirees navigate their online retirement services accounts. Those planning their retirement should be aware of the process; when you leave sign up to access your annuity and benefits information online.

This initiative is designed to assist federal employees transition from active service to retirement and encourage retirees to take advantage of this feature. The intent of these videos is to reduce login errors for federal retirees managing their retirement accounts online according to Kiran Ahuja, the OPM Director.

The process can be confusing and my article titled “ALERT – OPM Services Online Access Changes” walks you through the sign on process and these changes. OPM’s videos provide additional help when signing up for an account.

OPM Videos

Services Online Benefits

Services Online lets annuitants (federal retirees or their spouses, ex-spouses, and children) manage their account online. You can view and print out your annuity statements, initiate or change allotments, download 1099R tax forms, set federal and state tax withholdings, and much more.

This service also has the capability to reduce OPM’s call center traffic. If you ever called for assistance, you know what I’m talking about. It’s difficult getting through and when you do the wait times are excessive. Much of the time a visit to OPM’s Services Online will resolve your concerns.

Services Offered

There is a laundry list of services, downloadable annuity verification letters, and others that you can take advantage of. Here is a master list of what the site provides with a short description for each entry:

  • Annuity Statements (Select the desired payment date and that month’s payment appears, you can print out a copy for your records.)
  • Annual Summary of Payments (The Summary of Payments and total paid to date. Payment descriptions, that month’s amount, total amount to date, click “Year to Date Totals” for a complete list by month for each item.) A very useful report.
  • Direct Deposit (Direct Deposit allows your annuity payment to be sent to the financial institution of your choice) Just click on “Change” to make changes or to switch to another financial institution.
  • Life Insurance (This is your current proof of life insurance on file.)
  • 1099-R Tax Form (A form 1099-R for the current tax year and for four previous years can be printed or downloaded to your device.)
  • Federal Tax Withholdings (Federal income tax to withhold from your payment.) You can change this at any time.
  • State Tax Withholdings (You may change the withholding amount for your State Income Tax and/or select a new State for the withholding.) Some states do not tax annuities.
  • Checking and Savings Account Allotments (You may start a new allotment, change an existing allotment amount, or stop an existing allotment.)
  • Organizations Allotments (You may start a new allotment, change an existing allotment amount, or stop an existing allotment to an organization, where you have a membership.)
  • Transaction History (A history of your recorded transactions.)
  • Retirement Card (Print out a Retirement Card to carry if desired.)
  • Documents (How to Guides, Booklet Request, 1099R Request, Annual Notice of Annuity, Annual Summary of Payments, and Disability Earnings Survey)


I highly recommend all retirees sign up for this service, it saves time and frustration when dealing with OPM. After you get acquainted with the sign in process, as described in my article and view the new videos, it’s easy to access and provides abundant services.

Each year I request a new Blue Book using the request form under the Documents tab on the site and it provides updated information for your annuity and benefits.  I received my first book March 12, 2005 several months after I retired and I keep it to compare it to the new one I order each January. It is very revealing and is a must for your heirs, add it to your estate planning binder.

Helpful Retirement Planning Tools

Disclaimer: The information provided may not cover all aspect of unique or special circumstances, federal regulations, medical procedures, and benefit information are subject to change. To ensure the accuracy of this information, contact relevant parties for assistance including OPM’s retirement center. Over time, various dynamic economic factors relied upon as a basis for this article may change.

The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation and this service is not affiliated with OPM or any federal entity. You should consult with a financial, medical or human resource professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher or author shall be liable for any loss or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

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